

Second-Round Winners of 2024 Tsinghua International Case Analysis Competition of Public Policy on SDGs

发布时间: 2024-08-05 访问计数:


We are delighted to announce that the following 13 undergraduate teams and 8 master's student teams have advanced to the final round of the 2024 Tsinghua International Case Analysis Competition of Public Policy on SDGs.

The final competition will be held on August 17 (Beijing Time) at the SPPM of Tsinghua University, with an option for online participation. We will inform each team the detailed arrangements later. Please make sure we can reach you by phone or email.

1. The winning undergraduate teams in the second-round (in random order)

Case Analysis Report Title



Emergence from Emergency: A Case Study of Blue Circle on Addressing Marine Plastic Pollution Through Building up Digital Collaborative Governance

Technical University of Munich


Rizhao’s Policy and Practice of Low-carbon Development: A Case Study of Asia Symbol’s Transformation from a Heavy-polluting Enterprise to a National Green Factory

Nankai University, China University of Geosciences


Further Attracting International Organizations Nesting in District Z: An Analysis of Public Administration Policies Attracting International Organizations to Settle in District Z

China Foreign Affairs University


Turning Carbon into Gold with Carbon Inclusive Scheme: The Case of Green Life Carbon Inclusive Platform in Beijing

Renmin University of China


Enforcement or Conciliation: Police strategies in implementation of the Anti-domestic Violence Law in Guangzhou grass-roots governance

Sun Yat-sen University


From Waste to Wonder: How to Foster Collaborative Governance by Constructing Sustainable Communities? - A Case Study of Hongxu Community

Tsinghua University, Peking University


Life is a Verb, Not a Noun: Embarking on Barrier-Free Journeys for Persons with Disabilities - a case study in Kunming, Yunnan

Central South University


Here Come Elephants: A Case Study Tracking Adaptive Management in "The Conflicts Between Migratory Elephants and Human"

Yunnan University


Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Program is about to enter the "Hangzhou Moment": How to Create an International Paradigm for Biosphere Reserve Governance: The Case of Hangzhou Biosphere Reserve Governance in China

Nankai University


Endeavor Towards a Deeper Understanding of Equity, Equality and Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Reflection on Bristol’s Fair and Affordable Care Policy

Peking University


From Funding to Flourishing: How the Social Organization Empowers the Futian Food Bank? - A Case Study of Shenzhen as a Blueprint for China

Sun Yat-sen University, University College London


Digital Twilight: Bridging the Digital Divide for Rural Elderly in Western China - A Correlational Study of Digital Literacy and Quality of Life with the Case of Five Villages in Sichuan-Shaanxi Province

Nanjing University of Science and Technology


Unblock the Path to Accessibility: How to Promote Barrier-Free Environment through Public Interest Litigation - A Case Study of Smart Bus Guiding System in Tianjin

Nankai University

2. The winning master’s student teams in the second-round (in random order)

Case Analysis Report Title



Green Tangerine: Tieniu Village's Eco Dream - Exploring the Path to Comprehensive Rural Revitalization

Beijing Foreign Studies University


To build a good governance policy network: exploring local efforts towards comprehensive tobacco control with a case study in Beijing, China

Fujian Medical University


Sustainable Clean Energy Co-operation Model under The Belt and Road Initiative - A Case of Sino-Cambodian Kamchay Hydropower Station Co-operation Project

Peking University, Fudan University


"What a journey it has been!" A Case Study of Rural Agri-Education Towards Climate Action and Environmental Justice

Philippine Normal University


Navigating the Green Transition: Institutional Environment and Greentown China's Stakeholder-Centric Approach to Sustainable Development

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Photovoltaic-Storage-MicroGrid Light up Rural Areas: Explore Sustainable Community Mechanisms that Promote Rural Revitalization through Renewable Energy Infrastructures

Tsinghua University


Chicago’s Strategy for Extreme Heat: A Case Analysis of Energy-Saving Building Retrofits

University of Chicago


Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration to Promote Sustainable Agricultural Development: A Case study on Erhai Lake Basin S&T Backyard

Beijing Foreign Studies University

If you have any questions about the results, please contact the organizing committee by email before 8 August, 2024. (Email: ecccppm@tsinghua.edu.cn)